Author: Conny Lomoherz

Wordpress has asked its bloggers to post a photo that shows what inspires them to blog. So, dear Wordpress, here it comes... Wordpress hat seine Blogger dazu aufgefordert ein Foto zu posten, das zeigt, was sie dazu inspiriert zu bloggen. Also, liebes Wordpress, dann mal los …

The inspiration for my blog? Colours.

Die Inspiration für meinen Blog? Farben.

Goethe’s Faust calls out that it is In the colorful reflection we have what is life. There are many photography bloggers out there, who take the most amazing and beautiful pictures, who show us a world that is sometimes hard to imagine. And some of them even claim to be amateurs. But when I, an amateur photographer, try to capture a certain moment with my plain vanilla digital camera, the colours often appear dull and somewhat lifeless to me. Goethes Faust ruft am Anfang des Stücks aus: Am farbigen Abglanz haben wir das Leben. Es gibt unglaublich viele schöne Fotoblogs, die mich regelmäßig durch ihr Vielfältigkeit und Kreativität überraschen. Und einige Blogger behaupten sogar, schlichtweg Amateure zu sein, was die Fotokunst betrifft. Aber wenn ich als Amateur mit meiner 08/15 Digitalkamera versuche einen Moment einzufangen, entwischen mir oft die Farben ohne viel Eindruck zu hinterlassen - leblos und uninspiriert.

I love that picture. The defocussed parts make it look kind of trashy, but, somehow, it also turns back time. It’s a double-exposure and I wanted to capture the same scenery twice, but time-lagged on one picture. Well, I didn’t quite succeed, which makes it...

So, this has probably been the hardest challenge so far. Clear lines? Ugh, so not me. Geometry in my lomographs? Almost non-existent. The decorations are perhaps a bit distracting (maybe it’s more symmetry than geometry...

[The sign reads Welcome to California.] Yes, very foreign. But I like the themed welcome signs in the U.S. (This is 1 picture, shot with my Lomography Supersampler.) By the way, please bear with me for upcoming posts, I just moved flats and am currently without online...

I thought it was time for another double-exposure! The buildings on the left and right are of course the silhouettes, but if you look closely, you can see the 'little' boat on the river and that the sky is not actually the sky but the...

For some reason, during my teenage years, I always got presents that involved either rubber duckies or smiley faces, or both, for my birthday. So by the time I'd turned 18, I had quite the collection... hat vor ein paar Tagen einen Artikel von mir in der Kategorie Analogue Lifestyle veröffentlicht! (Yay :) Inspiration dafür war folgender September-Aufruf:

Buchcover aus Lomographien – Wenn du die Cover deiner Lieblingsbücher mit Lomographien ausstatten könntest, welche würdest du nehmen? Wir sind neugierig!

Conny mag Lomos, Conny mag Bücher - Widerstand war also zwecklos. Hier fängt's an: