zweifache belichtung Tag

I love that picture. The defocussed parts make it look kind of trashy, but, somehow, it also turns back time. It’s a double-exposure and I wanted to capture the same scenery twice, but time-lagged on one picture. Well, I didn’t quite succeed, which makes it...

So, this has probably been the hardest challenge so far. Clear lines? Ugh, so not me. Geometry in my lomographs? Almost non-existent. The decorations are perhaps a bit distracting (maybe it’s more symmetry than geometry...

I thought it was time for another double-exposure! The buildings on the left and right are of course the silhouettes, but if you look closely, you can see the 'little' boat on the river and that the sky is not actually the sky but the...

Es gibt ihn noch, den glücklichen Zufall! Ich experimentierte gerade mit Doppelbelichtigungen - ein lustiges Spiel mit der LC-A - als wir das Wochende in Potsdam und Schloss Sanssouci verbrachten. Bei einer Doppelbelichtung schießt man zwei Bilder innerhalb eines Negativs, was Effekte wie diesen erzeugen...
